We're Dee and Josh, a husband-and-wife duo and the founders here at Jōsh Foods in Houston, TX. 

Jōsh, pronounced JO-sh, in Hindi means strength, passion, and drive–qualities our foods bring to your table. 

As a seasoned Nutrition Coach, featured in The New York Times, Business Insider, POPSUGAR, and more, Dee noticed a common theme amongst South Asians: The struggle to eat enough protein, especially for vegetarians. A high-carb, low-protein diet can not only lead to issues like lethargy, cravings, weight gain, but it can exacerbate conditions that many South Asians face like visceral belly fat , insulin resistance, diabetes, PCOS, heart disease, and more.

We believe South Asians deserve better.That’s why we’re building Jōsh Foods: to create higher-protein versions of your favorite Desi food that taste great. No more choosing between taste and health. With the Jōsh Foods products, you get both

Our ultimate goal? To help you live your healthiest lives through a well-balanced diet, thereby igniting your jōshYour passion, vitality, and drive to fulfill your potential in life.